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最も効率的なプラントであっても、部品や設備は最終的にメンテナンスを必要とします。状態の監視は修理の計画に役立ちますが、計画外の保守の場合、最も良い解決策は依然としてダウンタイムの最も少ないものです。そのため、John Craneはスペアパーツを提供して迅速に修理を行うことができる経験豊富なエンジニアによる200を超えるグローバルな迅速対応センターを設立しました。
Even in the most efficient plants, parts and equipment eventually need maintenance. Condition monitoring can help with planning for repairs, but in the event of unplanned maintenance, the best solution is still the one with the least downtime. That’s why John Crane established more than 200 global rapid-response centers staffed by experienced engineers who can deliver spare parts and perform repairs quickly. 

私たちは以下の場合に役立ちます:We can help when:

操作を復元するには、交換部品または修理がすばやく必要です。:A replacement part or repair is needed quickly to restore operations.

Our 200+ service and repair centers are globally positioned for fast assistance with troubleshooting, repairs and spare part replacements. Customers who take advantage of our extensive range of service contracts can achieve even greater efficiency by ensuring spare parts are pre-ordered and on hand when unplanned maintenance occurs.

装置の故障のために是正処置が必要です。:Corrective action is needed due to equipment failure.

We have nearly 100 years of experience with managing applications and their related equipment and components, allowing us to accurately identify and assess damage resulting from application failure. Our failure inspection reports identify which corrective actions are needed to return the part to its original condition. And if refurbishment is not be possible, we can offer replacement options from our extensive range of mechanical seals, hydrodynamic bearings, power transmission couplings and filtration systems.

交換用の製品を正しく取り扱い、正しく取り付ける必要があります。:Replacement products need to be handled and installed correctly.

John Crane Equipment Serviceは経験豊富なエンジニアを迅速に派遣して相談することができます。また、お客様はオンサイトまたは完全装備のトレーニング施設でトレーニングプログラムを利用することができます。交換後に試運転が必要な場合は、タイムリーな始動を保証するために支援することができます。
John Crane Equipment Service can quickly dispatch an experienced engineer to consult, or customers can take advantage of our training programs ? available on-site or at our fully equipped training facilities ? to teach in-house maintenance personnel how to install and replace critical products. If commissioning is needed after replacement, we can assist to ensure timely startup.

最近の製品交換にもかかわらず、装置は引き続き故障します。:Equipment continues to fail despite recent product replacement(s).

頻繁な故障は、過大な振動や軸のずれなどの特定の信頼性の問題を指摘することがあります。 John Craneの信頼性サポートと資産管理は、何が何度も失敗する原因を特定し、全体的な信頼性を向上させるソリューションを推奨するのに役立ちます。
Frequent failures may point to specific reliability issues such as excessive vibration or shaft misalignment. John Crane Reliability Support and Asset Management can help identify what is causing repeated failures and recommend solutions to improve overall reliability.

Fill out the form below to learn how John Crane can consult when replacing damaged products.

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