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使用エネルギーの削減:Lowering My Energy Usage

環境への利益に加えて、エネルギー使用の削減は、機器の電源供給に関連するコストを制限することで、プラントの収益にも利益をもたらすことができます。 John Craneは、より少ないエネルギーを使用するようにカスタム設計されたさまざまな製品を提供しています。また、競合他社の機器であっても、エネルギー使用の削減に役立つ改造、アップグレード、変換の機会を特定する豊富な専門知識があります。
In addition to benefiting the environment, reduced energy use can also benefit a plant’s bottom line by limiting the costs associated with powering equipment. John Crane offers a wide variety of products custom engineered to use less energy, as well as a wealth of expertise in identifying retrofit, upgrade and conversion opportunities that help lower energy use ? even in competitor equipment.

エネルギー分野へのサービス:Serving the Energy Sector

We’ve been helping customers in the energy services sector reduce energy consumption for decades, which means we’re uniquely qualified to help optimize individual applications as well as entire systems, such as upstream oil and gas wells.

ガス潤滑潤滑シール、特許潤滑システム、熱可塑性段間シール、バランスピストン圧縮シールなどのジョンクレーン製品を使用することで、あらゆる面で効率を向上させてエネルギーを節約し、燃料節減を図ることができます。 1つのケースでは、段間アルミニウムシールを熱可塑性シールで置き換えるだけで、圧縮機流量を3.1%増加させ、タービン蒸気消費を2.7%減少させることができました。
Using John Crane products ? such as our gas-lubricated seals, patented lubrication systems, thermoplastic interstage seals and balance piston compressor seals ? can help conserve energy and generate fuel savings in the driver by improving efficiency on all fronts. In one case, we were able to achieve a 3.1 percent increase in compressor flow and a 2.7 percent decrease in turbine steam consumption simply by replacing interstage aluminum seals with thermoplastic seals.

OEMとの作業:Working with OEMs

We also work directly with OEMs to custom design components that will meet their customers’ demands for reduced energy use. We draw on decades of applied engineering experience and the millions of our mechanical seals in use ? to advise our customers of the most cost-effective ways to lower their energy costs. The simplest, most common way to reduce energy consumption is to replace soft-packed seals with modern mechanical seals, which can use as little as a tenth as much energy in some cases. Substituting laser-faced seals for plain-faced seals can further cut consumption by up to an additional 90 percent.

信頼性サポートとターボ機械サービス:Reliability Support and Turbomachinery Service

当社の信頼性支援サービスは、可変速度ドライブやエネルギー効率の高いポンプなどのオプションを推奨し、システム全体の省エネルギーの機会を特定するのに役立ちます。また、John Crane Turbomachineryのサービスエンジニアは、タービン環境に苦しんでも、産業用エネルギー効率を最大限に引き出す方法を見つけて長年の経験を持っています。これらの環境でエネルギー消費を削減する最も費用対効果の高い方法の1つは、適切な軸合わせを確保することです。低復元力でミスアライメント補償を提供するカップリングと組み合わせると、最大5%の省エネルギーを達成できます。
Our Reliability Support service helps identify opportunities for energy conservation within the overall system, recommending options such as variable-speed drives or energy-efficient drives for pumps. And John Crane Turbomachinery Service engineers have years of experience finding ways to maximize industrial energy efficiency, even in challenging turbine environments. One of the most cost-effective ways to reduce energy consumption in these environments is to ensure proper shaft alignment. When combined with couplings that offer misalignment compensation at low restoring forces, as much as 5 percent energy savings can be achieved.  

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